Saturday, April 19, 2008

Histology Notes 4/17/08


Three gland adrenal thyroid and panrcreas

adrenal gland ( suprarenal gland) endocrine gland

two glands in one ( gland in center – medulla) edge-cortext separate endocrine glands

hormones they secrete is very different

Adrenal medulla ( Epinephrine (20%)/NeuroEpi(80%))

alpha and beta receptors ( heart Beta Recetor ( epinephrine) increase H.R. and contractibility

cortex secretes steroids equal amounts in females and males


steroids- Mineralocorticoides (aldosterone)→ regulates kidney increase Na reabor and sodium excretion


glucocorticoide ( cortisol/ corticosterone)

sex hormones ( all steroids)

different types → androgen( increase sex character)


CT capsule outside covering with dots

cortex three zone middle is the largest very verticles

medullary cords

cells of 2/3 of cortex

notice the circulation vessels coming into the surface

figure 20-11

hormones from the cortex pass through the medulla

medullary artery

tropic hormone ( stimulate other hormones-anterior pituitary)

receptors for the ACTH peptide ( surface receptor) signal transduction and the cell makes steroid.

cortisol negatively feed back ( only)

inhibits ACTH

aldosterone →kidney salt sweet in the middle like insulin (cortisol) plasma glucose

androgen as the

figure 20-15

disease s

hyposecretion( ectomy removal) hypophosectomy ( atrophy) smaller

stress → activity of the cortex


medulla different kind of cell

no T. M.

Rough ER, Golgi present

secretory granules.

no stored hormones in cortext

tyrosine ( transporter)


stimulus for releasing hormones( sympapathic) preganglionic cell

cholinergic nerve ending

postganglinic neuron cell by itself



infront of the treacha

adam’s apple

along the trachea

palate very soft

can be check for cancer- arise in the thyroid often

gland itself when radiated ( radioactive I) can cause cancer

parathyroid( posterior) four bundle of the tissue

very well vascularized

ball of cells- follicles

pars intermedia of the pituitary

entire gland is made up of follicles

Colloid (describe protein)

parafollicular cells along side of the follicles (T3-T4)

para- Calcitonin ( lowers ca2+)

PTH( parathyroid hormone raises plasma calcium)

Thyroid diseases ( graves disease) well known hyperthyroidism autoimmune disease- auto anti-bodies stimulating the thyroid gland as if they were pitatary hormone ( TSH)

more T3 and T4 increase in follicular growth


Pathology ( Hashimoto’s thyroditis autoimmune hypothyroidism

follicle rising in the tissue massive inflammation of thyroids

synthesis- follicular cells colloid is on top

starting is amino acids (fig20-27)

hormone exocytose in the


when the cel

cleavage of  the large protein

puts them together T3 and T4(four iodides tyrosine)

parathyroid glands

laryngeal nerve (thyroid cancer)

prevention of phonation( speaking)

brown deposit of sec reaction calcitonin positive (parafollicular cells)



B cells insulin

A cell glucogon

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